24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime - Hallo sobat Wisata Nusantara, Pada artikel kali ini yang berjudul 24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime, saya telah menulis artikel ini untuk para traveler se-nusantara.

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24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime

Most people have made some rather poor decisions while drinking, but rarely do drunken mistakes turn out to be life changing in a spectacular sense.

Scotland-based banker 24-year-old Jamie Ather made the best drunken mistake of his life one Saturday night in August.

After going out clubbing in Glasgow, Jamie returned home and did something his sober-self never would have… he booked a plane ticket to Rio.

When he discovered the email confirmation for his freshly booked flight he was in complete shock and had no memory of doing it. In an interview with BuzzFeed Life he said, "I have no memory of it. I wasn't even planning or dreaming of travel this year at all, because I spent all my money on a trip to Vegas last February."

Jamie didn't check his email until Sunday night, which is when he saw the email from the flight company saying he had paid for his flight in full. "I was shocked and ran out to my dad like, 'YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE THIS!'"

The very next day Jamie tried to cancel the flight, but as fate would have it he had missed the 24-hour cancellation period. Jamie's first thought was to just forget about the $797 plane ticket and not go at all, the idea of up and leaving to Rio all on his own seemed overwhelming.

Jamie explained, "Everyone was putting all this fear in me because of safety—South America gets such a bad name. And three weeks by yourself is a scary thought also."

After thinking it over Jamie decided to just go for it… after all he already had the plane ticket! He decided to ignore everyone's advice and follow his drunken heart all the way to Rio.

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

Jamie ended up having the trip of his lifetime, and couldn't be happier that he decided to go. He didn't only face his fear of going to South America alone, but also he trumped even more fears while he was there. "I definitely faced my fear of heights doing all those mountain treks—my heart was beating out of my chest every second [of every day] on this trip."

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

Jamie visited Iguazu Falls, located on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

Jamie's story proves that sometimes our biggest mistakes turn into the best opportunities; you've just got to keep an open mind and push all fears aside.

In Jamie's own words, "People will put thoughts and fears into your head about going places, and doing activities. Maybe even your own mind will. But please overcome the fear and just go."

He also made a lot of new friends at the sloth sanctuary in Bahia, northeast Brazil.

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

He also had the opportunity to go to Peru and hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu.

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

Jamie's story proves that sometimes our biggest mistakes turn into the best opportunities; you've just got to keep an open mind and push all fears aside.

In Jamie's own words, "People will put thoughts and fears into your head about going places, and doing activities. Maybe even your own mind will. But please overcome the fear and just go."

24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
Jamie Ather

Source: Earthables 24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime - Hallo sobat Wisata Nusantara, Pada artikel kali ini yang berjudul 24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime, saya telah menulis artikel ini untuk para traveler se-nusantara.

Artikel : 24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime
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24-Year-Old Gets Drunk And Accidentally Books What Turns Out To Be A Trip Of A Lifetime

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